It is always a good feeling to know that something that you have done/doing is inspiring others. I can't emphasize how this small exercise here has changed and helped me to be a better person. And mind you how much ever points you ‘think’, putting it in paper and seeing it in front of you does wonders. You will be amazed at the change in you. So if you haven't tried this yet, please do. You can use this facebook page if you don’t have a blog..
1) I am thankful for my landlords, uncle n aunty as I call them. They are an old couple in their late seventies living alone. Everyone tells me that you have got a second home and pseudo parents and they are just that for me. They make sure they are on the balcony 5 mins before my cab time to see me off. Same way they will be there at the time I come back home to check how my day was. Whenever anyone opens my gate they make sure it is someone I know and ward off any unnecessary nuisances. They even take care of all my bill payments too!!
2) At office we have a rooftop canteen and on normal days you can see as far as MG Road/UB City. Today at lunch time there was a heavy downpour and the view was just fantastic. It had a dreamy feel since it wrapped all the buildings with a misty cover and I just loved the sight. In fact, the view through the window from my seat is also beautiful especially when there is a build-up of clouds as the precursor to a downpour over the city. I have always loved the sky and what's in it - the clouds, planes, birds, stars and the moon. I guess no matter how old I get, I will always be a kid watching my sky – it's my way of growing older better.
Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here
Train - When I Look To The Sky
3) Today morning I was reading Shruthi's UK Files and I remembered how we used to be dependent on the weather and how many trip plans had to be cancelled because of the weather. I could so much relate to that state and is so thankful that the place I am living has a moderate weather all year through. Think anyone who has lived in extreme weather conditions will know what I mean.
4) Back in my hometown every year an exhibition will be held at the Thekkinkad Maidanam as part of the Thrissur Pooram celebrations which is one of the most spectacular festivals in the world (more info). The city will be in jubilant mood since the opening of the exhibition as those days not many traveled outside the town and this gave them an opportunity to know the flavors/things/sights of the outside world. Since it happens during the summer vacation time, you can see families spending their evenings enjoying the various rides and doing heavy shopping. One thing that attracted me every year to this fair was the popcorn!! Yeh you heard it right. I think the popcorn stall was always the 5th or 6th and the aroma of fresh popcorns used to welcome you as soon as you enter the place. I guess since corn is not cultivated much in kerala that was the only time we got it. And you crave for things you can't get hold of easily na ;) If you are wondering why I told this totally unrelated story now - I made popcorn at home today. It's amazing how things change with the passing of time and something you used to get once a year has become something that you can make in just 3 mins at the comfort of your home.
5) In yesterday's post I had mentioned that I came across many people who were reading my blog and today some more friends gave their attendance :) So out of curiosity when I checked the site statistics today, I realized that I have almost 100 visitors a day with more than 1K visits and 2K page views this month. I know it is not a big number for popular blogs but for me it really is a big achievement especially after such a long dormant period :)
not a big achievement.. u kidding.. 1k and 2 k is awesome stats :)
Awesome.. Im so glad too you did this. I do it on my down time, privately though. But I think validation from others always give you that extra boost.:)
Way to go girl :)
You are lucky to have such landlords and we are all lucky to be living in India where we don't have such diverse weather conditions. I know that in western world, half of the time people spend in talking about weather alone :)
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