A techie transfer fund for penalty from his laptop near Trinity Circle in Bangalore on Tuesday....
Got this as a forward.. But guess it's very much possible !!!
PS : An Update. This news seems to be fake and the person is actually doing some work on Bangalore Traffic Information System. Please check this link. Thank you Venkat for the info.
Superb...Wonder if this really happened!!
@ Resma :)
@ Vidhya: Thanks a lot Vidhya for your visit.. I have no clue whether it is really happened but looks like it did..;)
so can you bribe also through the online transfer. maybe he's doing just that.
Nice idea, brilliantly captured... and yes, it is very much possible.
@ jeseem : Very much possible :)
@ alexis : It was not captured by me. Got it as a forward.. And thank you for vising my blog :)
@ Guy in the middle : Thank you for your visit and tag. Glad to know that you liked my blog :)
Ain't this called height of technology ?
Check this out.www.kiruba.com The info is wrong, He is doing work on Bangalore Traffic Information System
Thanks a lot Venkat for clarifying. I'll edit the post with the facts.
Lol!!cant believe it really happens..amazing!!
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