
Monday, October 07, 2024

My blog is an adult!


Eighteen years. That’s how long I've been pouring my thoughts, emotions, and life stories into this blog. It feels surreal to think back to where it all started, a simple space to express myself, yet it has become so much more over the years. This journey has been a reflection of who I was, who I am, and who I continue to grow into.

When I first started, I didn’t think it would last. Blogging was my way to vent, to process emotions I couldn’t quite articulate in conversations. What I didn't realize then was that it would turn into a lifelong companion, an evolving diary of personal growth, challenges, and triumphs. Every post, every word, carried a piece of me—sometimes raw, sometimes polished, but always true.

The early days were filled with uncertainty. I wrote hesitantly, not knowing who might be reading or if my words even mattered. It even took me a few months to finally publish my secret blog, and some of my other secret blogs still remain a secret—even to me. Back then, my posts were mostly happy, light hearted, with stories about my travels and funny incidents at the office, my dreams and yeah my thoughts too. Perhaps I was that happy, carefree kind of girl then. Then there were a blog tribe - a group of virtual friends I made through this blog. We visited each other’s blogs and talked in the comments. We tagged one another and even gave out awards. This was before the days of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I think Facebook was the first culprit in killing the long-form style of communication. Shorter, more frequent updates took over, and pictures replaced words. But with that change, the intimacy of our long stories was lost, and many bloggers disappeared.

But as time went on, I discovered something powerful: my words weren’t just for others. They were for me. I learned that writing was a form of self-discovery, a way to navigate the whirlwind of emotions life constantly throws our way. I remember in one of those desperate moments after Acchan passed away - that was the first time I wrote an emotional post. It was during one sleepless night, and even though I tried to delete the post immediately I woke up the next morning, my tribe was already there, consoling and supporting me.

In these 18 years, I’ve written through some of the highest and lowest moments of my life. From the joy of new beginnings to the most heartbreaking losses, each post reflects a unique chapter. The beauty of blogging is that it’s all here—raw emotions, unfiltered thoughts, and every evolution of my being. Some posts were written through tears, others with a smile. But each one holds a memory, a moment where my thoughts found a place to live outside of myself.

I think that’s what keeps me going. Knowing that my words, however fleeting the moment they were written in, serve as markers of time. They remind me of my resilience, my capacity to feel deeply, and my ability to move forward. Blogging has been my way of making sense of life, of giving structure to the chaos of emotions that so often overwhelm.

As I look back on these years, I realize that blogging isn’t just about sharing thoughts—it’s about connection. Not just with readers, but with myself. Every post I wrote was a conversation with the person I was at that time. And now, I can revisit those conversations, see how far I've come, and understand the person I continue to become.

Here’s to 18 years of words, emotions, and self-reflection. Here's to the stories yet to be written, and the emotions that will continue to guide them. Thank you for being a part of this journey, whether you’ve been reading from the start or just stumbled upon this post today. My blog may be a personal space, but it’s also a shared one—and that’s something truly special.

Here’s to the next chapter. I’m ready to keep writing.